IAS Salary: An In-Depth Look at Grade Pay, Per Month Salary

Starting at INR 56,100 per month is the standard IAS salary. It rises in proportion to one’s seniority and official title. For the position of Cabinet Secretary of India, the maximum monthly salary an IAS officer may get is INR 2,50,000.

Officers are eligible for several allowances and benefits in addition to their monthly IAS pay. These may include Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport Allowance (TA), and more, among others, based on their posting area and other circumstances.

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A career in public service is attractive to young people for several reasons in the nation. Not only does becoming a civil servant or diplomat provide a feeling of pride and honour, but the attractive IAS income, perks, duties, and power also play a key part in their decision-making process.

IAS Salary Per Month

There is a possible salary range of ₹56,100 – ₹132,000 per month for entry-level IAS officers in India, starting at ₹56,100 per month. The IAS monthly compensation rises sharply with promotions and years of service.

After 37 years or more of hard work, the highest-ranking Indian government official may reach the position of Cabinet Secretary and receive a monthly salary of around ₹250,000.

The IAS Salary per month also includes a 9% Dearness Allowance (DA), which leads to 32.7% per annum.

Salary of an IAS Officer
Basic Pay (Rs)Number of years required in servicePost
District AdministrationState SecretariatCentral Secretariat
561001-4Sub-Divisional MagistrateUndersecretaryAssistant Secretary
67,7005-8Additional District MagistrateDeputy SecretaryUndersecretary
78,8009-12District MagistrateJoint SecretaryDeputy Secretary
1,18,50013-16District MagistrateSpecial Secretary-cum-DirectorDirector
1,44,20016-24Divisional CommissionerSecretary-cum-CommissionerJoint Secretary
1,82,20025-30Divisional CommissionerPrincipal SecretaryAdditional Secretary
2,05,40030-33No Equivalent RankAdditional Chief SecretaryNo Equivalent Rank
2,25,00034-36No Equivalent RankChief SecretarySecretary
2,50,00037+ yearsNo Equivalent RankNo Equivalent RankCabinet Secretary of India

There are several allowances included in the IAS pay, such as the Dearness Allowance (DA), the House Rent Allowance (HRA), and the Travel Allowance (TA). When added to a basic wage, these allowances may significantly boost take-home pay.

Officers in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) are eligible for pay and responsibility increases via promotions. As an officer advances through the ranks, their salary rises; the top pay grade, for example, might be ₹2.5 lakh per month for a Cabinet Secretary.

Salary for IAS after 10 Years

Annual increments, promotions, and other perks contribute to an IAS officer’s income increasing over time. Depending on their position and classification, an IAS officer might anticipate a significant wage boost after ten years of service.

The Government of India establishes the salary Matrix, which determines the baseline salary for an IAS official. An IAS official normally enters Pay Level 14, with a base salary of around Rs. 1,44,200 per month, at the beginning of their tenth year of service.

After ten years of service, an IAS officer’s income might vary greatly depending on their position and classification. Here are a few examples: 

  • Level 12 (District Magistrate): ₹78,800 per month
  • Level 13 (Joint Secretary): ₹1,18,500 per month
  • Level 14 (Additional Secretary): ₹1,44,200 per month
  • Level 15 (Principal Secretary): ₹1,82,200 per month


Additional Benefits in addition to their salary, IAS officers are entitled to a variety of benefits, such as official accommodation, government vehicles, medical allowances, and pensions upon retirement. Both the standard of living and one’s financial stability are enhanced by these. 

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